Do you wish to add some details in your apartment that will make it look soft and gentle? Well, I seem to have the right decorations for you. Feathers! Yes, you read right! The Fabulous DIY Feather Projects That Will Melt Your Hearts will remain forever in your mind and you would want to recreate the looks for sure. It’s not hard to work with feathers due to their lightness and ability to bend. Do you already have some ideas in mind? The photos below are going to boost your inspiration and your imagination and you are going to do wonders in your existing home decor thanks to the feathers. Check out what I have found for you and make your picks!
There are feathers in different colors and shape, and they can really make the ambiance in your home more cheerful and playful. I really love the contrast the blue and peacock feathers make with the red vases. What about you?

If you are a girl and you are living on your own, then you have the privilege to decorate your apartment in a feminine fashion and no one will have nothing to say. Get pink and gold feathers, put them in a glass vase and use them to decorate any cabinet or table.

Get as much peacock feathers as you can, arrange them in a vase and add the decoration to your dining room table. Who said that only flowers can be used as decor? Your decorations are going to stand from the rest of the crowd and everyone is going to pay you lots of compliments!

What do you think about making a hanging decoration with feathers? The result is going to be stunning. You can add this decorative piece in any room. Do you have the bedroom in mind? It will make everything more calming and peaceful!

If you want to go big and you want everyone to notice the feathers straight as they walk through the door, then consider adding feathers to your lighting fixture. It’s not difficult at all to make this craft because all you need are feathers and a glue gun.

If you love variety then get different feathers and use them to make this astonishing hanging wall decoration. Get a little piece of wood, some beads and wires and get down to work to recreate the design.

What do you think about framing a feather wreath and hanging it on the door to impress everyone straight from the front door? I think that an amazing idea!

If you don’t like real feather you can think about getting them on paper. They will make the room appear higher than it is.

Frame the feathers and use them to fill the empty walls in your living room! Which of the DIY feather projects do you like the most? Let me know in the comments!