Hey there DIY lovers! In this article I’m going to inspire you with some astonishing projects that will get you inspired to decorate your garden and that will keep you busy during the times when you are feeling bored. Scroll down and take a look at the Terrific DIY Glass Bottle Yard Decor That Will Impress You. Glass has been a material that is widely used in construction and architecture since ancient times and has proven to be a materials that is durable and appealing to the eye. For that reason we incorporate it both in and out our homes. If you were thinking about adding glass into your yard, consider using glass bottles. There are so many things that you could do with them, so get some ideas from the photos below!
The garden paths are a hot trend this season, so if you want to make a border why don’t you use glass bottles? I really love the final look! What about you?

If you want to go big and bold with glass bottles, then the design below is just the perfect one for you. Get down to work and incorporate the bottles in your walls and create glass bottle mosaics that will catch the attention of everyone.

Have fun with colored bottles and make some wonderful DIY projects that will add an interest to your backyard area.

The ways in which you can create extra seating options for your gardens are truly endless, so bottles can be used here as well.

In case you want to make the ambiance in your yard more fresh and cheerful, then you should definitely turn the glass bottles into vases and fill them with fresh flowers. This is going to be my next DIY project for sure!

Get birds into your yard by implementing this cool glass bottles bird feeders.

Have you ever been thinking about planting your herbs and flowers into glass bottles? You can think about adding this cute decor horizontally or vertically, it’s up to you!

Use green and blue bottles and create this eye-catching peacock!

The flower beds could be decorated too, so make a border between the flower bed and the pathways with glass bottles in different colors and sizes. You will get a playful look that no one can resist!

If you seek some privacy in your yard and you want to hide your area from the curious views from the neighbors then you should definitely copy the idea below. Bottles would help you a lot in this situation!

As you see the possibilities of decorating the flower beds are endless. Pick the one you like the best.

TheĀ glass bottle decorations are really cheap and have power to make the statement in the area with ease. Go ahead and add them to your outdoor space and see the difference they make!